restorative dentistry  Redwood City, CA

Restorative Dentistry

Our team offers advanced restorative dentistry in Redwood City, California, to repair damage in your smile and help strengthen your overall oral health. Dr. Donald Hermansen, Dr. Derrell Washington and our team can examine your smile and create a treatment plan best designed to transform your oral health. We welcome you to schedule a visit with our dentists by giving our team a call at 650-716-2500 today!

At our practice, we are proud to offer restorative dentistry to help our patients achieve healthier, more uplifted smiles. Restorative dentistry is centered on repairing the health and function of your smile, including treatment for severe injuries such as tooth damage or decay. If you have any missing or damaged teeth in need of repair, we recommend that you visit with our dentists to get started on treatment. According to your oral health situation, treatment may involve the following:

  • Dental fillings
  • Dental crowns
  • Dental bridges
  • Dental implants
  • Dentures

The goal of restorative treatment is to repair your teeth in an effort to preserve your smile as much as possible. As you visit our dental office, our dentists can provide you with an exam where we take a closer look at your smile and determine the best possible option for your treatment. Our team can provide you with treatment that helps you attain a healthy, more beautiful smile. Once you receive care from our highly experienced team, you can regain a smile that functions naturally and effortlessly throughout your daily activities. If you would like to learn more about restorative dentistry, we welcome you to give us a call today or schedule a visit to our office!

Bridges  Redwood City, CA


If you have one or more missing teeth, our team may recommend that you receive fixed dental bridges in Redwood City, California, as a way to support your new teeth restorations. If you are curious to learn whether a bridge is right for you, we welcome you to call our team today at 650-716-2500 and schedule an appointment with our dentists, Dr. Donald Hermansen and Dr. Derrell Washington.

Dental bridges are a permanent solution to your struggle with missing teeth. As a fixed dental restoration, a bridge can replace single or multiple missing teeth and restore the function in your smile. The most common benefits of a dental bridge include:

  • Full restoration of speaking and eating abilities
  • Improvement in the shape and volume of your face
  • Enhancement of the aesthetics of your smile
  • Prevention of your surrounding teeth becoming misaligned

During a dental bridge procedure, your restoration is anchored in place using two dental crowns customized to fit securely in your smile. The crowns will be placed over your teeth or implants nearest to your missing tooth to support your new artificial tooth and hold it tightly in place. Most often, this procedure typically requires only two visits to our practice to be completed. Dental bridges are crafted with strong and durable material to ensure your restoration lasts for a long time. Our greatest goal is to help you achieve a happy, healthy and long-lasting smile.

Our dentists and team are happy to meet with you and examine your smile for treatment. If you are interested in learning more about how you can receive a dental bridge, we invite you to contact our team today and set up a visit. We look forward to hearing from you!

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